Подписывайтесь на мой новый канал: делюсь интересными фичами из мира e-commerce 3 раза в неделю
Typical Aeroexpresss customer journey consists of many steps and touchpoints, which can be broken down into 4 stages:
Client gets aware about Aeroexpress and purchases tickets
Client arrives at departure station and waits for the trip to start
Client gets into Aeroexpress and travels to destination point
Client arrives at destination point and continues their travel
On each of these stages, I've found areas which could be improved.
Ticket purchasing process should be as simplified as possible and client efforts should be minimized
  • When purchasing Aeroexpress ticket, you should submit passport details (while this is not required via other sales channels)
  • Also, you will have to separately agree with several company policies
  • You have to manually switch between 4 tabs when submitting your details
Result: it takes you up to 24 various actions to get a ticket to Aeroexpress via the website
  • Remove passport details from mandatory fields list
  • Introduce disclaimers or make policy checkboxes checked by default
  • Switch from 4 different tabs to a single purchase form
Season ticket is quite a convenient means of payment: you do not have to wait standing in the queue every now and then when purchasing a new ticket. In the digital age, when everyone has smartphones, it's important to ensure that season tickets support all recent technologies
As I got informed on Kievsky railway station:
  • You can purchase season tickets only on Aeroexpress ticket desks
  • There are no e-versions of season tickets - you will not be able to link these to Apple Wallet / Google Wallet. So you will have to take 1 more card in your purse which is not always convenient
  • I've got a feeling that season tickets are not integrated with Aeroexpress loyalty program - is this true?
    Introduce the option to purchase season tickets online, as well as the functionality of linking these to Aeroexpress Mobile App
    If a company establishes new service channel, it is important to ensure its full availability for clients
    I've arrived at Paveletsky railway station last Saturday: while all airlines personnel were in place, the largest desk - Aeroexpress Information desk, was fully empty. 10, 20, 30 minutes - no one appeared. Seems like it's time to get to the train without getting my questions answered

    • Monitor the presence of personnel on information desks
    • If, for some reason, there are no employees, at least put there a couple of tables, clearly stating: "We are glad to help your over the phone". Otherwise information desk does not make any sense
      Information terminals are aimed at reducing the workload of service personnel, by providing answers to frequently asked questions within a short period of time and without extra customer effort
      • Timetables are limited only to Aeroexpress trains
      • Page, dedicated to Mobile App, is overloaded with a huge amount of plain text
      • Moscow Metro map is not readable (bad quality) and cannot be zoomed, which makes it useless
      • Airport terminal maps only show how to get to the terminal from Aeroexpress
        WHAT TO DO?
        • Add departure /arrival timetables with registration desks and gates info
        • Replace plain text with infographics on Mobile App page to make it more comprehensible
        • Enhance the Metro map with zooming functionality and increase it's resolution
        • Make Airport terminal maps more detailed: which cafes, shops, bank offices are in the airport, etc.
          5. wi-fi NETWORKS
          When free wifi is offered during the travel, it is important to make the connection process as seamless as possible
          • In Kievsky Railway station waiting hall, passengers get informed about wifi network called RZD, which I could not connect to (most probably because of insufficient wifi router bandwidth)
          • When moving from waiting hall to the train, you have to reconnect to another network, MT_FREE which takes 4 more actions on your side
            WHAT TO DO?
            • Is there a chance for Aeroexpress to create a single wifi network which would cover both waiting hall and train in a way that passengers would not have to reconnect to the new wifi manually?
            • If the wifi router does not support even current traffic, what would happen during World Cup 2018? Run the analysis of load of each of wifi hotspots and expand the bandwidth, if it is insufficient
              6. TICKET TERMINALS
              Ideally, ticket terminals should support all means of payments. If there is support channel embedded in ticket terminal, passengers should be able to easily reach out to customer support
              • Currently ticket terminals do not support wireless payments (e.g. PayPass). Small table saying that the trip can be paid through another type of terminals at the end of the trip, does not save from confusion on passenger side
              • If you want to connect to customer support, you have to hold "Support" button all the time during your conversation, which is very inconvenient
              • At Paveletsky Railway station, customer support simply did not respond
                WHAT TO DO?
                • If you're not planning to replace these terminals during the upcoming years, try to adjust the functionality of terminals to start accepting wireless payments
                • Adjust the functionality, so that clients did not have to hold "Support" button, but rather push it only once
                • Regularly monitor customer support availability and ensure that customer service level is consistent with other support channels
                  7. SINGLE(?) POINT OF CONTACT
                  In case of emergency situations, it's important that passengers know where to call and can do it quickly. With this in mind, many companies announce information about the single point of emergency contact
                  While travelling on Aeroexpress, we hear:
                  «In case of emergency, please call 01 or 101, 02 or 102, the universal emergency number is 112»
                  WHAT TO DO?
                  Make sure that 1 phone number is announced, in order to avoid confusion on passenger side
                  8. landscape
                  For tourists coming to Moscow, Aeroexpress trip provides one of the first impressions of the capital of Russia
                  Along all 3 routes, especially from Sheremetievo an Domodedovo airports, passengers see long rows of ugly graffity
                  WHAT TO DO?
                  There are many examples abroad, when the way along which a tourist arrives at city center, is always kept clean (or, at least, walls with graffity are hidden behind large banners with ads)
                  9. aeroexpress magazines
                  EXPECTATION 1
                  If passengers travelling along certain route are provided with marketing materials, these materials should be relevant
                  On the route from Paveletsky Railway station to Domodedovo airport, Aeroexpress magazines show the detailed map of Sheremetyevo airport-only.
                  WHAT TO DO?
                  • Make sure that magazines with airport-specific data are correctly supplied to the respective routes
                  • If there is only 1 version of the magazine, just add the maps of other airports
                    EXPECTATION 2
                    If a customer journey consists of multiple stages, it is quite convenient if during aeroexpress trip a passenger can get informed about the next step of their journey: with Moscow metro map (for arriving passengers) or with detailed airport maps (for departing passengers). It is also quite good if respective brochures are available for take-away to ensure that a passenger does not get lost
                    • On the route "Paveletsky Railway station - Domodedovo airport", on information desks at Paveletsky Railway station you can find small convenient brochures with Moscow metro map. But why would people need these on the way to the airport? At the airport, on your way to Moscow, it is not easy to find these
                    • Even if the magazines contain respective information, these are not the best option for a take-away due to the size
                      WHAT TO DO?
                      Design a set of 1-page brochures for each route: on 1 side there would be the Metro map (for arriving passengers), on another one - the map of respective airport terminal (for departing passengers), and place these together with other magazines
                      10. aeroexpress displays
                      Apart from ads, information displays should show information which is useful for passengers
                      Currently the displays show airline and Aeroexpress ads, Moscow-24 TV channel and World Cup info

                      WHAT TO DO?
                      • Start showing the timetables of arrivals and departures
                      • On the routes to the airport, show airport maps with the list of cafes, shops, bank offices and draw passengers' attention to 1-page brochures (previous suggestion)
                      • On the routes to Moscow, show Moscow metro map and, again, draw passengers' attention to 1-page brochures
                        11. mobile app
                        Mobile app should be as user-friendly as possible and be capable of solving major passenger's needs
                        • Loyalty program page contains too much text, which makes the main concept of the program difficult to understand
                        • There is no detailed information on airport and metro maps
                        • The app is not integrated with any other discount / loyalty programs
                          WHAT TO DO?
                          • Complement the text on Loyalty Program page with easy-to-understand infographics
                          • Add detailed airport and metro map pages
                          • Use current location and time to personalize viewing experience of Aeroexpress schedule, as well as arrivals/departures schedule of respective airports
                          • Integrate the app with discount coupons (which are currently distributed through magazines in hard copies) to improve passenger convenience
                          • Have you thought of an idea to introduce shopping functionality within the app?So that a passenger could order/purchase a good via the app, specify their carriage, seat - and get the good shipped during Aeroexpress journey
                            12. YOUR FEEDBACK ZIP CODE
                            IS IMPORTANT FOR US
                            If a company really wants to get voice of a customer, it is very important to make it very easy for customers to provide feedback
                            • In order to provide feedback, you have to fill 12 fields
                            • Depending on the type of feedback, such fields as your zip code and passport details may become mandatory
                            • When submitting feedback, you have to agree with the policy (by manually checking a respective checkbox)
                            WHAT TO DO?
                            • Minimize the fields required for feedback submission: feedback itself is mandatory while even Name, email and phone can optional
                            • Provide passengers with callback functionality. This will improve process convenience, and hence the number of responses
                            • Replace checkbox functionality with disclaimers: «By clicking on Send button, I agree with ... policy...». This will further reduce the number of actions required on passenger side
                            BRAND POWER vs. CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE
                            SHOULD TAXI SERVICE APP BOTHER ABOUT 360-DEGREE CX?